Censorship in North Korea

North Korea, recently famous for its nuke threats towards the U.S, has blocked the Internet from its citizens. North Korea has also banned applications like Facebook and Twitter. Journalists in North Korea are also not supposed to release news that is not approved by the government.

Applications like Facebook are banned in North Korea

The Internet is only permitted for government uses and monitoring coverage with granted permission in North Korea. In fact, North Korea has created their own tablets and smartphones that can make them able to monitor your information. These smartphones/tablets don’t contain settings like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Internet browsers etc. North Korea has its own web page that only shows websites/information that the government wants their people to see. According to BBC News, “There is a lot of news about the Supreme Leader’s activities…wants the world to know it has an arts and culture scene” are the main topics on North Korean websites.

Red Star 3.0 OS, software used by North Korea to monitor people’s information


People don’t protest against these harsh and unfairly rules because of the harsh punishments they can get if they get caught. However, in 2014, according to International Business Times, an “anonymous claimed to have breached North Korea’s cyber defenses and is seeking Kim Jong Un’s resignation.” This threat didn’t become valid as they didn’t have enough proof. The reason for North Korea’s censorship is to keep their population under their influence and authority.

After hearing about these censorship issues, I personally feel grateful for getting this much freedom in the U.S. Censoring the Internet, the news, and even monitoring your activity is a little too far by the North Korean Government. People need to be able to have their rights to see and post what they want. Forging information and making them believe what the government believes takes away the voice from the people as citizens.

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